Tuesday 9 December 2008

Humble observations on G3

I recently decided to flick through a G3 mag I'd had pressed upon me by an old girlfriend - billed as a ''must read for a laughable excuse of what ostensibly constitutes a colour print worthy lesbian publication.'' I have to admit that I tend to agree & wish I hadn't bothered.. it's universally rubbish.

Six pages in, I'd already found fault with the following:
* a ridiculous quiz offering farcical options like: "answer c) lie at her feet, weeping and threatening to kill yourself" - oh yes, because we're all mentally imbalanced aren't we..

* numerous ads for the cats protection league/dogs trust/residential property/cosmetic breast enhancement - seriously wtf???? - the latter ad in particular made me so mad I nearly launched it across the office (in the general direction of the shredder) in a fit of rage!

* the transparent interview quotes from straight celebrities hinting at their sexual ambiguity thus providing arguably the slimmest possibility that the readership could in fact bed them..


*an article on culturally endemic battered wives from a biased and wholly subjective/culturally offensive standpoint - don't get me wrong, of course it should be subject to discourse and obviously these particular horror stories do go on, but the way the "journalist" has chosen to write about it as a shopping list of atrocities is just so so wrong.

Still, despite my disappointment at yet another out of touch lesbian magazine, I thought the 'scene style' section was a nice touch - where the photographer had chosen to snap girls out on the town adorned in interesting accessories and bothered to find out the cost and locale. And the listings were pretty navigable too. But other than that, yep. Rubbish.

I've joked on more than one flight of whimsical fancy of clubbing together with a few media savvy mates and putting something out there to rival the likes of Diva and G3.. ("It shall be called Diver and henceforth would point blank refuse to interview P!nk, even if her publicist came begging at the door.."), but unfortunately the name has already been taken by a maritime enthusiast rag, and frankly, who's got the time, money or inclination when I can vent my spleen via the medium of blog (Cheers Tashie dude).

However, I will endeavour to put into production my other publishing pipe dreams - watch this space for my upcoming title, the Lesbian Guide to Sex - Pop Up Edition (as an educational tool for the men in your life who insist on asking how to make love to a woman - to which I always convivially reply, "You're a guy, and you're asking me..? Got a pen on you? You might want to write this down..)

and, the Lesbian Almanac/Guidebook - I'm thinking.. some kind of Lesbian starter-kit manual, with complimentary car bumper sticker & vouchers for Doc Martens.


  1. You're a great writer! I love your musings on bad lesbian magazines (there's a lot of them); you're spot on in that department! Oh and I am definitely looking forward to the Lesbian Almanac/Guidebook - lord knows we could all use a little guidance.

  2. Thanks for your comments Renee. I really like Lesbiatopia, it's a good distraction from work occassionally.

    Also, the Guidebook was blatantly my idea Faye! Will have to fight you for it!

  3. I forgot to say - hilarious video. Good work!

  4. Fight me for it? Fair enough, I challenge you to an arm wrestle. By the way, God didn’t give us cleavage so we could win arm wrestling fairly. But its a good start.
